Women in tech more likely to have career progression negatively impacted during pandemic, survey reveals

How scaling companies can nurture female employees

Can digital talent attraction help bring more females into tech roles?

The Future of Females in Tech: Lindsay Fisher, Sparkbox

The Future of Females in Tech: Alexis Smith, IMGeospatial

The Future of Females in Tech: Jo Halliday, Talking Medicines

The Future of Females in Tech: Gemma McCall Culture Shift

Women in STEM: Jody Robie Presents the Facts

A Simple Guide to Attracting More Women to STEM Roles

How scaling companies can nurture female employees

We’re in the middle of a tech skills shortage which is deeply impacting tech recruitment. Across the world, employers ranging from tech startups and scaleups to larger, established names are fighting for the brightest tech talent on the market to help them embrace the demands of the digital era. Everyone is currently fighting for the […]

The Future of Females in Tech: Lindsay Fisher, Sparkbox

Next in our blog series celebrating International Women’s Day and our partnership with Tech Nation, we spoke to Lindsay Fisher, Co-Founder of Retail Price Optimisation, Planning & Insights Platform, Sparkbox. Sparkbox helps retailers to reach targets, improve volume sales and increase cash margins using machine learning and AI. Using her background in retail merchandising and consulting on price optimisation, […]

The Future of Females in Tech: Alexis Smith, IMGeospatial

Next in our blog series celebrating International Women’s Day and our partnership with Tech Nation, we talked to Alexis Smith, founder and CEO of IMGeospatial. Nominated for Tech Nation’s Rising Stars 2.0, IMGeospatial is an automated business intelligence pipeline which provides the insurance and water utilities industries with valuable business insights. The company uses AI in unique […]

The Future of Females in Tech: Jo Halliday, Talking Medicines

As part of our blog series celebrating International Women’s Day and our partnership with Tech Nation, interviewing some of the UK’s most exciting female tech entrepreneurs, we spoke to Jo Halliday, founder and CEO of Talking Medicines. Talking Medicines was born out of a belief that the patient should always be at the centre of healthcare, Jo […]

The Future of Females in Tech: Gemma McCall Culture Shift

In honour of International Women’s Day and our partnership with Tech Nation, we decided to create a series of blogs interviewing some of the UK’s most exciting female Tech Entrepreneurs. Women are still hugely under-represented in the tech industry, so we feel it is important to showcase the women that are doing great things and […]

Women in STEM: Jody Robie Presents the Facts

Bay Path University is dedicated to changing the face of the STEM landscape. Through its American Women’s College, the first all-women online accredited bachelor’s degree programs in the US, the university is helping women to gain the education and leadership skills needed to forge long and successful careers. The program offers more than 28 degrees […]

A Simple Guide to Attracting More Women to STEM Roles

Today marks the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Women are doing incredible things in the science, technology and engineering sectors and the number of females taking up careers in these industries is continually on the rise. However, why is there still so few females in STEM roles? Only 23% of the UK […]
