8 Generation Z statistics you need to know if you’re in Recruitment

Onboarding – what’s it all about?

5 tips on how to reduce costs during a skills shortage

Beyond the Purple Unicorn

Multi-gen workplaces: A blessing or a curse?

A Night at the Onrec Awards

Celebrating 8 years

Myth-busting RPO : The truth behind those Recruitment Process Outsourcing myths

The Future of Recruitment: Sourcing talent in the digital age

5 reasons why you need an RPO

8 Generation Z statistics you need to know if you’re in Recruitment

Only just caught up with the demographic known as the ‘Millennials’ or ‘Generation Y’? well there’s a new cohort in town, aptly termed ‘Generation Z.’ With typical birth dates ranging from mid-1990s to mid-2000s our first batch of Gen Z workers are about to graduate and infiltrate the UK workforce. We’ve collated the main statistics […]

Onboarding – what’s it all about?

Onboarding. It’s what everyone’s talking about, and it’s certainly on a lot of employers’ minds. But, what makes a successful programme? The five best practice trends are: From event to process. Onboarding should start during the recruitment phase and last until up to six months after commencement of employment. A multidimensional programme. Onboarding should provide […]

5 tips on how to reduce costs during a skills shortage

Significant skills shortages in the UK are costing businesses in excess of £2 billion per year in higher salaries, recruitment fees and temporary staffing according to new research by the Open University. The Open University Business Barometer has found that 90% of UK-based businesses have struggled to recruit candidates with the relevant skills in the […]

Beyond the Purple Unicorn

The Purple Unicorn used to be how Talent Acquisition leaders described the unique challenges they faced in finding talent. It’s no longer simply the case that talent is rare. More and more companies know how to find those purple unicorns – and many of them are deploying incredibly sophisticated search, tracking and selection systems to […]

Multi-gen workplaces: A blessing or a curse?

We were recently featured in Impact, the magazine for the largest community of research, insight, analytics and marketing sciences professionals. Our Gen Up research was spotted and we were contacted to share our findings and feature in the magazine. Below is an excerpt from the featured article.  A workplace with employees ranging from 18-to 67-year-olds- […]

A Night at the Onrec Awards

We attended the Onrec Awards last week at The Grange Hotel, St Pauls. The event was a real celebration of the wide-ranging Online Recruitment Industry. Credit and acknowledgement was given to successes, talent and innovation. The event was extremely inspiring and it was great to see such a variety of companies and prominent figures in […]

Celebrating 8 years

Eight years ago Talent Works was born. Today we all came together to celebrate and reflect on the last eight years, commenting on progress we’ve made and changes that have exceeded our expectations. The day started off with cupcakes and champagne to mark the occasion. Here we look back on what has changed in eight […]

The Future of Recruitment: Sourcing talent in the digital age

Recruitment has changed dramatically over the past few decades. Traditionally, the only way to recruit new talent was advertising on open job boards or posting an ad in the newspaper, heavily relying on face-to-face applications to assess candidates. Fast forward a few years, new technologies and an evolution in candidate behaviour means this has all […]

5 reasons why you need an RPO

Heard everyone talking about switching to an RPO but wondered what’s in it for you? The benefits, both short and long term, can be enormous if you get this right. Here are the five key benefits to using an RPO to overcome your recruitment woes: 1. Financial benefits: Time is spent more efficiently, searching for […]
