7 Reasons Your Business Needs a Facebook Careers Page

How to run effective recruitment marketing campaigns

Why top employers use Facebook Instant Experiences in recruitment

7 Reasons Your Business Needs a Facebook Careers Page

When it comes to recruiting the best talent, Facebook is a useful tool that employers often overlook. However, with 73% of Millennials finding their latest role on a social network, there’s never been a better time to perfect your social media recruitment strategy. Recently, many larger businesses have taken to making specialist social media pages […]

How to run effective recruitment marketing campaigns

Companies competing for talent in a candidate-driven market, in an era of minimal attention span have got it harder than ever. It seems like the expectation for everyone to be a marketer grows every day. From eye-catching, creative campaigns to seamless, technology-led candidate journeys, a marketing-centric approach to talent attraction is becoming a top priority […]

Why top employers use Facebook Instant Experiences in recruitment

Building your employer brand on social and digital media is not easy. It’s not so much the visibility that is hard to achieve – employers have got their recruitment marketing agencies generating ‘content’ like never before, some good, some not so good. But real audience engagement, beyond just your page impression stats – that’s the […]
