Attracting and Retaining Top Talent in the New Normal

EVP trends you should be looking out for post-COVID

How Employer Branding and Digital Attraction Can Help You Thrive Post-Pandemic

7 Ways to Help Your Employees Avoid “Work-From-Home” Burnout

Why a Total Hiring Freeze Might Not Always Be the Best Idea

Can Remote Working Solve the Diversity Problem?

How Startups Can Stand Out During The COVID-19 Crisis

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Work From Anywhere Culture

Employees Mental Health Should Be a Priority for Those Returning to Work

Will We Ever Return to the Office or is Remote Working a Permanent Reality?

Attracting and Retaining Top Talent in the New Normal

Our Senior VP of North America Jody Robie recently hosted a webinar with BABCNE and Rick McKenna Founder of My Things App which will be launching in August to discuss the challenges businesses will face attracting and retaining talent in the new normal. The British American Business Council of New England fosters business development and […]

EVP trends you should be looking out for post-COVID

With COVID-19 having huge impacts on all aspects of the workplace, it’s no surprise that it’s also affecting what employees want from an employer. Employee value propositions will have to adjust to ensure they meet changing mindsets and expectations of both candidates and existing employees. Before the outbreak of COVID-19, experts predicted that 2020 was […]

7 Ways to Help Your Employees Avoid “Work-From-Home” Burnout

For many businesses, as well as their employees, remote work offers a lot of flexibility and freedom. But, It is not all sunshine. Remote work is not a dream come true to all employees, especially for those who had to haphazardly pivot to teleworking because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Remote work comes with many concerns […]

Why a Total Hiring Freeze Might Not Always Be the Best Idea

When finances are tight, and the future is uncertain, many businesses natural reaction is to freeze hiring completely. With millions of companies around the world currently having to make difficult decisions about the future of their staff, the threat of a recession and rising unemployment rates, it’s understandable that now may not be the ideal […]

Can Remote Working Solve the Diversity Problem?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few months, you’ll be very aware that for those of us that can, remote working is likely to be the future of our work. If all we need to get the job done is an internet connection, computer and phone, many of us can work […]

How Startups Can Stand Out During The COVID-19 Crisis

The current climate has created an unpredictable landscape for many businesses which has meant recruiting talent has had to take a back foot. Many companies are trying to navigate a challenging time financially and are having to make huge decisions regarding the future of their staff. Startup businesses are not immune to these problems, and […]

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Work From Anywhere Culture

With the news Twitter, Square, Facebook and Shopify are all considering a long-term work from home solution for employees after COVID-19, the future of the office has been brought into question. Many businesses have proven that they can work remotely without implicating the quality of their service, and staff are enjoying the luxury of working […]
