What a CMO needs to know about employer branding

Tech recruitment and employer branding is becoming more like marketing; here’s why

Is your EVP human enough?

Capturing Authentic Employee Stories to Promote Your Employer Brand

The Impact of Mass Lay-Offs and Employee Monitoring on your Employer Brand

How to create an inclusive employer brand over the festive season

Building an employer brand strategy fit for 2022

The rise of environmental EVPs

Turning up the volume: it’s time to get bold and loud with Employer Branding

Why Your Existing Team Should Be Your Priority When Hiring New Talent

What a CMO needs to know about employer branding

Marketing and employer branding are becoming intrinsically linked; if you’ve read any of our previous blogs, you’ll know this. The days of the employer brand being the sole responsibility of talent and HR teams are a thing of the past. Employer branding is evolving. To be successful in improving talent acquisition and retention strategies, it […]

Is your EVP human enough?

As a tech company, it’s very easy to get caught up in the tech. It’s what you do, it’s what your people are passionate about, and it’s how your business is going to grow. Plus, it’s often what sets you apart from the crowd; your tech product is what excites you and motivates you, and […]

Capturing Authentic Employee Stories to Promote Your Employer Brand

As the talent market is set to grow even more competitive in the coming year, Employer Branding is sure to be the main differentiator between organisations. How employees and candidates perceive a business as a place to work will hold more influence than ever before as employers become compelled to match salaries and benefits if […]

How to create an inclusive employer brand over the festive season

Christmas is an excellent time for many companies. Especially as we’re now once again, many employers are really hoping to use this festive season to reunite teams and re-engage workers, even if it has to be virtually once again. It’s a wonderful time to celebrate all you’ve achieved as a team in the last year […]

Building an employer brand strategy fit for 2022

In a market where employer branding will be even more crucial in the race for tech talent, it’s more vital than ever that scaling tech businesses get these strategies right in 2022. While large corporations have large recruitment marketing budgets and the capacity to hire at scale, every company has a culture and brand which should be celebrated. How you communicate these unique aspects will set you apart in 2022. Remember, not everyone is the same, and different aspects of work will appeal to different candidates, but all of these individuals are becoming much more aware of what they want. In a market where the candidates hold the cards, employer brand communications couldn’t be more critical.

The rise of environmental EVPs

Environmental issues are becoming more of a talking point than ever, and many of us are starting to prioritise the impact we have on the environment in our daily lives. More of us than ever are conscious about how we travel, the amount of waste we produce, and other renowned factors for damaging the planet. […]

Turning up the volume: it’s time to get bold and loud with Employer Branding

Now everyone realises the importance of employer brand, it will take a lot more to stand out. Every business out there will claim to be a great employer. It would be stupid to say they aren’t if they wish to attract new talent. Plus, a lot of benefits like flexible working are now taken as standard. They’re not going to help you to stand out in the race for talent. Therefore, when it comes to communicating employer brands, companies who wish to attract the best talent will have to think outside of the box, tailor their messaging to resonate with the right talent and get loud with the aspects that make them unique.

Why Your Existing Team Should Be Your Priority When Hiring New Talent

If you’re in the middle of a hiring surge, you cannot forget your existing team although it’s easy to get caught up in the hiring process. Dedicating all of your time and efforts to finding new talent, may leave your existing people feeling superfluous and neglected; they won’t seem like your priority. Your team may begin to feel overlooked if your entire people strategy involves recruitment and not considering their wants and needs.
money to replace a talented person. From advertising a job to the onboarding process, there is a huge process involved in finding and training the right person, it can take months which can cause issues for a scaling business. Attrition and turnover can cause many issues for businesses looking to grow. Firstly, it can put scaling on hold while you find someone to take over another role; you can’t prioritise new hires in the business if critical roles remain open. Secondly, it can also damage your employer brand reputation and hinder recruitment strategies; candidates will soon get wind that employees aren’t happy and that you have a high turnover rate. Therefore to avoid high attrition rates and  going into 2022, employers need to refine their people strategy to ensure that they’re putting people first.
