The Regional Complexity of Youth

Are Baby Boomers being forced to cut short their working lives?

Millennials in the workplace

Older generations in the workplace

GenUp – Diversity and Inclusion

The rules of engagement

Generations leave referendum differences at the office door

The importance of making good communication easy

It’s time to rethink what we know about our colleagues

The Gamification of Recruitment

The Regional Complexity of Youth

Understanding the different generations in the workplace today is fast becoming a top priority for UK employers, especially now there are as many as four different generations working alongside each other. Studies like our own Project Gen Up are making great strides towards understanding the multi-generational workplace, but recent research from accountants EY reminds us […]

Are Baby Boomers being forced to cut short their working lives?

Much has been written about the ageing workforce and how more and more people plan to work past official retirement age. But what is less known is that a small but growing number of Baby Boomers are being forced to cut short their working lives to care for elderly relatives. Independent research suggests this is […]

Millennials in the workplace

Before I write anything else I’m sure many of you have made assumptions about me in your head (don’t worry we all do it) – I’m lazy, want to make my way to the top quickly without putting in the effort, am constantly in need of feedback before I can do anything else, and all […]

Older generations in the workplace

The UK workforce is getting older, a lot older. It’s estimated that by 2020 half the working population will be over 50. Yet Talent Works has uncovered evidence which suggests employers aren’t doing enough to nurture and develop this increasingly fundamental section of the workforce. Some of the figures showing the trend towards an older […]

GenUp – Diversity and Inclusion

I’ve been researching diversity issues for the past 7 years. My Masters concentrated on cultural studies and transnational issues, looking at Paul Spickard’s Almost All Aliens, Bhikhu Parekh’s Rethinking Multiculturalism or Andrew Gable’s Britishness: Perspectives on the British Question. In 2016 this is surprisingly topical again as issues around Britishness and what it means to […]

The rules of engagement

To better attract and engage the young, employers need to tap into the millennial start-up culture and trade in millennial currencies, so says Samantha Bond of Northstar Research writing in the International Journal of Market Research. Northstar recently conducted a study exploring the appeal and mentality of millennial start-up culture, which suggests that failure on […]

Generations leave referendum differences at the office door

Some say the recent EU referendum result, in which young voters overwhelmingly supported Remain and older voters backed Leave, speaks to a growing rift between the young and old in Britain – a nation divided on age lines. That younger and older voters had very opposing views on whether or not to stay in Europe […]

The importance of making good communication easy

“Employees can experience an increase in morale, productivity and commitment if they are able to communicate up and down the communication chain in an organization” – Jennifer Lombardo, Business Ethics at Good communication in the workplace is key – whether that’s briefing a piece of work, delivering team news, or updating the company on the annual performance. The […]

It’s time to rethink what we know about our colleagues

Stereotypes. Oversimplified and rigid, but we all use them and there’s a good reason we fall back on them. They’re a handy short cut, helping us quickly make sense of the world around us and the people in it. Women, men, ethnic groups, faith groups, people of different cultures, class backgrounds or different countries are […]
